When it comes to working out, you tend to make sure that your body is perfectly in shape. To achieve this, you work on your upper and lower body. You work your biceps, triceps, abs and pectorals. One area that you often end up neglecting is your butt. To help you work every aspect of your body, we get you exercise routines that will help you tone your hips.
1. Toe Taps
Image Source: http://picshype.com
This exercise is one of the best workouts out there for toning your legs and buttocks. To do this, you need to stand in front of a ledge or a box. Now start tapping on that box with your toes, as if you are running. Slowly increase your speed and make sure that only your toes keep touching the box (not your whole foot!). Another great aspect about this routine is that it can easily be done at your home.
2. Weighted Glutes Bridge
Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com
The weighted glutes bridge helps exercise your buttocks, calves and hamstrings. You can even do this exercise without using any weights, if you happen to be a beginner. In order to do the exercise, lie down on the floor with your legs bent at a 90 degree angle. With your hands on the side, lift your hips up using your heels and hands. Stay in the position for a few seconds and return to the previous position to finish the routine. Repeat the exercise 15 times to complete one set.
3. Romanian Dead lift
Image Source: http://www.menzmag.com
Romanian dead lift works on your hips, hamstrings and calves. It makes your muscles stronger and tones them up. Initially, you may find it hard to perform this routine as you have to use a barbell. To do this exercise, stand straight and hold the barbell in front of you. Now, lower the barbell without it touching the ground, while sticking your hips out. Keep in mind that your back should be straight while doing this workout.
4. Sumo Squats
Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com
This exercise can be performed with or without weights. It helps in toning your legs as well as your butt and is pretty easy to do. All you have to do is stand straight with your feet wide apart and toes turned out. Now, lower down your abdominals with the support of your legs. Stay in the position for a few seconds and then come back to the previous position to complete the routine. Doing this for about 10 to 15 times will finish one set. This truly is one of the best workout regimes you could go for.
5. Side Lunges
Video Source: Livestrong.com
This is the perfect exercise that targets your calves as well as the buttocks. You can use weights too if you want to get faster results. In order to do the exercise, stand straight with your hands on the sides. Now take a big step towards the left and lower your abdominals. Stay in the position for a few seconds and come back to the previous position. This exercise can be even done as a warm up routine before you hardcore workout.
If you want a perky butt, then it is important to do the right exercises for it. Shaping your abdominals is important if you want a fit body. The routines listed above will prove to be excellent work outs for your butt’s shape. After all, squats just aren’t enough!
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