Simple Ways to Prevent Post-Wedding Weight Gain

Say no to those post-wedding extra kilos

You’ve had a fabulous Wedding Day, you looked like a dream in your wedding dress, the photographs are all so gorgeous, and now you can ditch the diet because there is no need to starve anymore. Yes, most of us think that way!

Believe it or not, post-wedding weight gain is a serious problem. There are many post-wedding festivities to attend with friends and family members, sweets and chocolates to gorge on at fancy dinners, and sometimes just eating a regular diet after months of strict dieting is enough to expand your waistline.

Here are 5 simple ways to prevent post-wedding weight gain, so you look just as beautiful, slim and trim long after you say ‘I-do’!

Plan Fitness Dates Together

Work out with your partner

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Newly married couples want to spend all their free time together, and they should! Instead of staying in to watch romantic movies, plan a fitness date every week. You can, and should, motivate each other to stay active, especially if you were both on a strict diet and exercise regimen before the wedding. A morning jog together, cycling in the park or a brisk walk at the beach counts as quality time spent together.

Cook Together At Home

Cooking together is fun

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Love fancy meals for two? Instead of trying out a new restaurant every single night, cook these indulgent meals at home as a couple! If you cook healthy foods together, you get to spend quality time in the kitchen and unwind after a long day at work, without making your waistline suffer for it.

Opt For Active Weekend Getaways

Go for a short weekend getaway

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For those who love weekend getaways, ditch a trip to the fancy resort and plan outings to camps, river rafting and hiking adventures! These outdoor activities are a great way to disconnect from the rest of the world and stay connected to each other and the nature around you. Even a trip to a mountain resort where you have to walk uphill thrice a day to reach your cosy wood cabin is an excellent way to pack in some exercise into the weekends!

Stay Busy and Dress Beautifully

Dress smartly

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Don’t fall into the trap of dressing like a slob once you are married. Sweatpants may be comfy and your new spouse may find your super-casual ensembles very cute to begin with, but they can be a recipe for disaster. Sweatpants are so forgiving, you don’t realise when you have started to pack on some pounds! Instead, dress in smart and beautiful clothes and stay busy. Don’t spend hours in front of the TV, instead go for a swim, or walk around the local furniture market to find great pieces for your new living room decor.

Create a Disciplined Routine

Give time to each other

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A disciplined routine is the key to a healthy lifestyle. Make sure that you make time to exercise, cook healthy and still spend some time together to cosy up and watch TV. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the couch and some mindless TV, as long as you have worked out earlier. Also, try to follow a healthy sleep time and waking up time to ensure your health doesn’t suffer.

To put it simply, no matter at what stage, it’s always best for you if you take care of your diet and fitness. Your fitness level will ensure that you take care of yourself and your family members, in the best way possible.

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Article Source: Askme

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