Must-Follow Nutrition Tips for Senior Citizens

Because the seniors need healthier food

As youngsters, many Indians enjoy their food like there is no tomorrow. We have rich and diverse cuisines available to us, and we indulge in them frequently. However, as we age, our bodies’ nutritional needs change as well. Our bodies digest and process food differently in our teenage years, from when we enter into middle age, and finally into our older years.
The nutrition tip every senior citizen should follow is - adjust your nutritional intake as per your body’s requirements. Eating habits and nutritional needs MUST change as we get older.

What Causes These Changes?

Ageing affects the way your body processes food

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Ageing affects the way your body processes food as metabolism slows down, and extensive exercise is no longer an option. Since the body burns fewer calories naturally, it requires fewer calories to ensure healthy weight through your senior years. Eating nutrition rich foods when your activity levels become moderate to low is the ideal way to maintain healthy weight.
Appetite changes are also common in old age. It is best to choose healthy foods rather than processed, high sugar or high fat foods when you only have a small appetite. This is because your digestive system gets sluggish as you age and the body produces lesser fluids necessary to process food, hence the body finds it harder to absorb nutrients like Vitamin B6, B12 and Folic Acid.

Adjust your Nutritional Intake

Diet adjustments are a part of getting older


Diet adjustments are a part of getting older. An ageing body needs healthy fats and more fibre to promote good health. Trans fats, processed foods, alcohol and sugary treats are best avoided, as these are harder to digest, and lacking in dense nutritional value.

Here are 5 nutritional adjustments to improve your health in your senior years.

Eat a lot of healthy fats, especially those found in fatty fish, nuts, seeds and healthy oils like olive and avocado. Avoid Trans-fats and Saturated-fats, as these are also bad for heart health.

Choose whole grains that are rich in fiber and also promote healthy digestion. Avoid refined grains and breads.

Add more raw vegetables and fiber-rich fruits to your diet to prevent constipation, and to also help you maintain healthy weight. These nutrients-rich foods keep you feeling fit and healthy as you age.

Stay hydrated, drink lots of water and fluids throughout the day. Soups and fruits with high water content are a healthy addition to your everyday diet.

Pay attention to Calcium and Vitamin B12 intake. Calcium is crucial to promote bone health, especially in your senior years. Eat low-fat dairy and talk to your doctor about calcium supplements. Since the body doesn’t absorb adequate Vitamin B12, look for cereals that are fortified with extra B12, and also consider taking a good supplement.

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Source: Askmeonwellness


Akriti Martin said...

Great Share! I also suggest one more website "RetyrSmart" this website provide nutrition tips for senior citizens.

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