4 Surprising Cures for Back Pain


Banish back pain

There are tons of treatments aimed at alleviating back pain. According to the latest research, these are the methods that really work.



Taking 12 weeks of classes led to greater improvements in function for adults with chronic low back pain versus receiving conventional care (like meds or physical therapy), research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found.



Chronic low back pain sufferers who got weekly massages reported less pain after 10 weeks than those who didn’t, according to another Annals of Internal Medicine study.

If your pain is muscle-related (say, due to tight hamstrings) it might be worth a try, says Heidi Prather, DO, chief of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.



Patients with low back pain who went under the needle were more likely than those receiving conventional care to see improved symptoms, one study found.

Talk therapy


In a 2010 study, patients who participated in group cognitive behavior therapy for three months had twice the improvement in chronic low back pain as those who hadn’t.

22 Ways to Survive Cold and Flu Season

Sick days? No way! Fight off seasonal sniffles with these expert-approved prevention and get-well strategies, from acupressure to zinc.

Your ultimate cold and flu survival guide

cold flu survival

Each year, the typical adult can expect to contract two or three colds, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Skip the annual flu vaccine and you set yourself up for a bout of that as well. But it doesn't have to be this way! Aside from good hand washing (with soap, for at least 20 seconds), "there's a lot you can do to drastically cut your risk of getting sick," says Holly Phillips, MD, a general internist in New York City. "And even if you do catch a bug, you may be able to cut short the duration of your illness." Arm yourself with these tips from the experts, and make this cold and flu season your healthiest yet.

Eat yogurt for breakfast

yogurt breakfast

The same live cultures that help ease digestive distress can help stave off a cold, says Dr. Phillips, who wrote The Exhaustion Breakthrough ($20; amazon.com). A 2011 study backs this up: Scientists found that people who consumed probiotics via supplements or fermented foods (think yogurt, kefir and kimchi) had 12 percent fewer upper respiratory infections.

Crack open a window

crack open window

Spending the day in a stuffy room with anyone who's under the weather raises your risk of catching a bug. Letting a little fresh air circulate keeps airborne viral particles on the move, making them harder to pick up, says Dr. Phillips.

Have some mushrooms


New research published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition offered evidence of their immune-boosting powers. People who ate a cooked shiitake mushroom daily for a month showed higher numbers of T cells and less inflammation.

Turn away from sneezers


Sure, you hate to be rude, but moving out of firing range is crucial, says Dr. Phillips: "Germs carried in sneeze particles can travel 20 feet!" If a stranger next to you begins achooing or coughing, excuse yourself and scoot to another seat. All you need to say: "I'm sorry—I always catch colds really easily."

Quit touching your lips

touching lips

You might as well lick a restroom door (ick). "Not touching your face greatly cuts your odds of getting sick," says Margarita Rohr, MD, an internist at NYU Langone Medical Center. But that's easier said than done: The average person puts a hand on her mouth or nose more than three times an hour. To break the habit, try sitting on your hands when they're idle.

Score regular sleep

regular sleep

Take advantage of longer nights and log enough shut-eye. A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that subjects who slept for fewer than seven hours were nearly three times as susceptible to colds as people who slept for at least eight hours.

Flush out your nose

flush nose

Throughout cold season, add this to your nighttime routine: Rinse your nose using a neti pot with boiled (and cooled) salted water, or an over-the-counter nasal irrigator or saline solution. "It will help clear out viral particles you've breathed in during the day before they take root in your system," says Richard Lebowitz, MD, an otolaryngologist at NYU Langone Medical Center.

Pop zinc lozenges

zinc lozenges

Try taking them as soon as you start feeling under the weather, says Dr. Lebowitz. Zinc is a mineral essential to the cells of the immune system, and a 2013 Cochrane Library analysis of 18 trials found that ingesting it within 24 hours of the onset of cold symptoms reduces the duration of the illness. The study authors recommend a daily dose of 75 milligrams.

Tap your chest

tap chest

There's an acupressure point in the middle of your breastbone, at the level of your third rib. "A series of gentle taps there, for about a minute every couple of hours, will prompt the thymus gland to produce more T cells to attack pathogens," says Daniel Hsu, a doctor of acupuncture and Asian medicine at New York AcuHealth in New York City.

Load up on liquids


"Fluids help thin out the mucus that your body makes when you're sick," says Dr. Phillips. "And when that germ-filled mucus is thinner, it's easier to clear out of your system." She suggests downing at least 2 liters of water or other fluids a day.

Think it's the flu? Get an Rx, stat


If taken within the first 48 hours of symptoms, the prescription medication Tamiflu stops the virus from replicating and could reduce the length of time you're stuck in bed by a whole day. Before writing a script, your provider may use a rapid nasal swab test to confirm the diagnosis, says Dr. Phillips.

Try elderberry extract

elderberry extract

A syrup made from these little black berries has long been used as a folk remedy for viral infections. In concentrated form, the berries' nutrients seem to offer some relief from congestion, aches and pains, says Jaclyn Chasse, a naturopathic physician in Bedford, N.H. Indeed, a 2004 study in the Journal of International Medical Research suggests that taking a 15-milliliter dose of elderberry extract four times a day can cut short flu symptoms by four(!) days on average.

Keep getting those probiotics


Research conducted in 2012 compared two groups of college students suffering from colds: The group that took a probiotic supplement with Lactobacillus rhamnosus recovered two days earlier and had symptoms that were 34 percent less severe.

Switch on a humidifier


Dry indoor air makes a sore throat and wicked cough even worse. A humidifier helps these symptoms become more bearable by filling the air you breathe with moisture, says Rob Danoff, DO, program director at Aria Health in Philadelphia.

Order green curry

green curry

It's true—chilies and other fiery spices can help clear your sinuses. "They make your nose run and your eyes water, and that may provide some temporary relief from congestion," says Dr. Phillips. Science supports the theory: A 2011 study found that a nasal spray made with a chemical called capsaicin, which is derived from hot peppers, rapidly improved congestion.

Inhale essential oils

essental oils

Dr. Chasse recommends this trick to her patients: Several times a day, add a few drops of thyme or eucalyptus oil to boiling water, then breathe in the aromatic steam. The menthol-like smell should make your airways feel as if they're opening up. Plus, adds Dr. Chasse, it's thought that antimicrobial particles in these essential oils coat the mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity.

When ill, skip your sweat session

skip sweat session

You might feel less draggy if you do some light exercise—think a brisk walk or gentle yoga class (no inversions!)—to boost your circulation. But if you're battling a bad cold or the flu, it's no time for a killer workout. "Your body needs to save energy to fight off the virus," explains Dr. Rohr.

Gargle with warm salt water

gargle salt water

Your mom was right: This really does work. Salt helps kill pathogens. What's more, coating your throat with a salt solution (1/2 teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water) will ease inflammation and loosen mucus, which helps flush out germs, says Dr. Phillips.

Heat up chicken soup

chicken soup

This classic comfort food is a multitasker: "The steam helps open stuffed-up nasal passages, and the salty broth can soothe a sore throat," says Dr. Phillips. But that's not all. Research published in the journal Chest found that chicken soup has properties that slow the movement of infection-fighting white blood cells; when they move more slowly, they spend more time in the areas of the body that need them most.

Have a spoonful of honey


"Honey is believed to be antimicrobial, and its thick, syrupy consistency coats and soothes an irritated throat," notes Dr. Rohr.

Reach for a popsicle


Throat so sore that it hurts to swallow? Sucking on an icy treat should offer temporary relief by numbing the area, says Dr. Danoff.

Prop yourself up

prop yourself up

"When you lie on your back, mucus collects in your sinus cavities, which can lead to secondary infections or chronic sinusitis," says Dr. Phillips. Instead, try resting and sleeping at a 45-degree angle. "Sitting up slightly will also help blood flow away from the head," she adds, "reducing inflammation of the sinuses and nose."

Article Source: health

How to Slim Down in a Week

Get slim in a week

Dieting is the primary step in losing weight quickly. But it must be done keeping your health in mind. It is important that you do not starve yourself, but eat healthy and do regular exercise. The following one week plan will get you instant results. Check it out.

Day 1 – Detoxify

The first day is dedicated to liquids. Drink ample water and opt for sugar-free healthy smoothies the entire day. A recent piece contributed by one of our users, also shares some easy-to-create detox recipes which we would highly recommend. Find them here.
Tip: Start the day with a glass of warm water with some lemon juice squeezed in.

Day 2 – Fruit up

The second day should be dedicated to fruits. This is the day you lighten your digestive system. Gorge on ample watermelons, apples, grapefruits, berries, citrus fruits, etc.
Tip: Skip the bananas as they can get a bit acidic.

Day 3 – Get fibered up

On the third day, go for a run in the morning. As for your diet, you must focus on eating only vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower are good bets as they bring down the bloating. In fact, if you're weighing your options on whether this is a good option to take, we recommend a look at this post.
Tip: Keep drinking ample water to keep your system clean.

Day 4 – Calcium up

our animated GIF

On the fourth day, your body needs its fill of dairy. So, drink three glasses of milk and munch on a few pieces of cheese. Also, add some bananas to your diet to increase your nutrition quotient.

Day 5 – Carb treat

food animated GIF

By the fifth day, your body will feel a lot lighter. So, eat healthy carbs like brown rice and vegetables like tomatoes, cabbage and broccoli.
Tip: Stick to just one meal with rice. The rest of the day, eat vegetables.

Day 6 – Protein kick

The sixth day should be dedicated to proteins like lean chicken, fish, eggs, cottage cheese and lentils. You can distribute them across your three meals. You should also do a 30-minute workout. Check out 7 Indoor Workouts to save money on the gym.

Day 7 – Finale treat

food animated GIF

Relish a cup of brown rice, any vegetable you want and a few fruits. And rejoice with your new slim body!

Tip: You can switch to a weight maintenance diet now, which would be more suitable for daily life. 

Article Source: askme

Do you want to lose weight fast without cardio??? The below program melts away flab and reshapes your body in as little as one hour a week!

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You may also read :--- 5 Exercises to Get You the Bikini Body

7 Indoor Workouts for You!

7 Indoor Workouts for You

Yes it’s cold outside, but instead of waiting for spring to get back to your beach body, you can have one all year round. Here are seven exercises that will help you work up a sweat without having to step out of the warmth of your house.


1. Jumping Jacks

Sweaty cardio. Check! Jumping jacks are simple exercises that will get your heart racing and fat burning. All you have to do is jump!

2. Burpees

The burpee fixes all. The exercise is difficult, and unlike what the name suggests, you will not be burping. Not only will the burpee have you sweating, it targets your entire body, from your hands to your toes.

3. Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers work your core, your arms and your legs. This simple exercise is intense and you can speed it up to make it more difficult. Make sure you maintain correct form.

4. Push-up Walk

The push-up walk is an exercise that will keep you on your toes, literally! It focuses on your arms, while working your obliques as well.

5. Plank

The plank is an excellent exercise to build core strength and stamina. It works your entire body, and you can make it more or less intense by adding variations and changing the period of time for which you hold the pose.

6. V-ups

V-ups work your core and your buttocks while helping you with your posture. All you have to do is come up in a V-position and hold.

7. Cross Over Lunges

The cross over lunge is a versatile exercise that strengthens your hamstrings and your glutes. Doing the exercise also teaches your body better balance and improves your coordination.

Article Source: askme

Do you want to lose weight fast without cardio??? The below program melts away flab and reshapes your body in as little as one hour a week!

Green Vegetables vs Animal Protein: Which is better?

Confused between plant and animal protein?

This has been a topic of debate between vegetarians and non-vegetarians since eternity. Here are the facts, backed by health experts. 

The good news about animal proteins

Animal protein is the most wholesome kind there is. You will find every essential amino acid that your body needs in fish, poultry, eggs, beef, etc. Animal protein is also packed with iron and zinc, which the body can absorb easily.

The not-so-good news about animal protein

It is extremely easy to overindulge in animal protein. If you eat high-fat meat regularly, your body's cholesterol levels will increase, leading to obesity and heart disease. Also, animal protein is acidic in nature, too much of which can upset the body’s natural balance.

Munch on without worries

The good news about plant protein

Certain green vegetables, whole grains and legumes are excellent sources of protein that do not increase your cholesterol, thereby keeping your blood pressure under control. Plant proteins are alkaline in nature, and counter the acid content in the body.

The not-so-good news about plant protein

Very few plant proteins are complete proteins. They do not contain every amino acid that is essential for the body. This can create deficiencies, unless the right combinations of plant proteins is consumed.

The final verdict

Both animals and plants are great sources of protein, with their own benefits and drawbacks. Combining plant and animal proteins is always the most balanced diet option. That way, your body's cholesterol and alkaline balance is maintained.
In conclusion, as long as you eat it in the right amounts, proteins of either category will keep your health intact.

Article Source: askme

5 Easy Detox Recipes for a Healthier You

Healthy and tasty

The moment most people hear the word detox, they get scared. But detox doesn’t have to be boring and bland. Here are five easy and quick detox recipes that will make you change your mind. These recipes will rejuvenate your body, mind and taste buds. Don’t believe us? Read on.

1. Rainbow salad

This detox recipe is the healthiest and easiest to prepare.

To make this, you need:
  • Red cabbage
  • Florets of cauliflower
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Red bell pepper
  • Sesame seeds
  • Salt
  • Pepper

  • Wash and chop all vegetables finely.
  • Take a large bowl, mix all veggies together.
  • Add sesame seeds, and salt and pepper to taste.
  • Mix all ingredients well together and your rainbow salad is ready.

2. Detox juice

This juice is excellent for cleaning up your digestive tract and soothing your stomach as it is rich in fiber.

To make this, you need:
  • Two tablespoons ginger
  • One beet root
  • Four carrots
  • One apple
  • One cup water

  • Wash, peel and slice all ingredients.
  • Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend together until it is smooth.
  • Strain the juice (optional).
  • Add more water (if required) and serve fresh.

3. Citrus salad

This is one of the easiest and tastiest detox recipe on this list.

To make this, you need:
  • Oranges
  • Grapefruit
  • Clementines
  • Chopped mint
  • Chopped red onions rings
  • Chopped basil leaves
  • Olive oil
  • Sea salt

  • Peel and slice all fruits.
  • Peel onions into rings and open up every ring.
  • Wash and chop mint and basil leaves.
  • Now decorate all fruits on a plate, sprinkle mint and basil leaves.
  • Pour some olive oil and sprinkle sea salt over it.
  • Your citrus salad is ready to be enjoyed.

4. Almond smoothie

This smoothie is antioxidant-rich as it is full of berries. It makes for an energising drink during a detox diet.

To make this, you need:
  • Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries and pomegranate
  • Almond milk
  • Vanilla
  • Honey

  • Wash and slice all fruits together.
  • Add almond milk (or any other milk you like).
  • Add honey to taste, and one teaspoon vanilla.
  • Churn it all together in a blender, and your smoothie is ready.

5. Cinnamon fruit kebabs

You can turn your plain fruits into a lip-smacking yet healthy snack. Cinnamon fruit kebabs are easy to make and can be enjoyed as a snack or dessert.

To make this, you need:
  • Pineapple (ripe)
  • Plums
  • Nectarines
  • Other fruits you may like
  • Honey
  • Cinnamon powder

  • Wash and cut all fruits into kebab sizes.
  • Make sure you don’t let the juice of the fruit go to waste. So cut all fruits in a large bowl.
  • Now add honey and cinnamon powder and mix gently but well.
  • Once all chunks of fruits have been coated with the juice, barbeque them.
  • Wait till they turn golden brown.
  •  Your caramelised fruit chunk kebabs are ready to be eaten.

Article Source: askme

Simple Ways to Prevent Post-Wedding Weight Gain

Say no to those post-wedding extra kilos

You’ve had a fabulous Wedding Day, you looked like a dream in your wedding dress, the photographs are all so gorgeous, and now you can ditch the diet because there is no need to starve anymore. Yes, most of us think that way!

Believe it or not, post-wedding weight gain is a serious problem. There are many post-wedding festivities to attend with friends and family members, sweets and chocolates to gorge on at fancy dinners, and sometimes just eating a regular diet after months of strict dieting is enough to expand your waistline.

Here are 5 simple ways to prevent post-wedding weight gain, so you look just as beautiful, slim and trim long after you say ‘I-do’!

Plan Fitness Dates Together

Work out with your partner

Image Source: www.pinterest.com

Newly married couples want to spend all their free time together, and they should! Instead of staying in to watch romantic movies, plan a fitness date every week. You can, and should, motivate each other to stay active, especially if you were both on a strict diet and exercise regimen before the wedding. A morning jog together, cycling in the park or a brisk walk at the beach counts as quality time spent together.

Cook Together At Home

Cooking together is fun

Image Source: http://www.urbanewomen.com

Love fancy meals for two? Instead of trying out a new restaurant every single night, cook these indulgent meals at home as a couple! If you cook healthy foods together, you get to spend quality time in the kitchen and unwind after a long day at work, without making your waistline suffer for it.

Opt For Active Weekend Getaways

Go for a short weekend getaway

Image Source: https://jagcarrao.files.wordpress.com

For those who love weekend getaways, ditch a trip to the fancy resort and plan outings to camps, river rafting and hiking adventures! These outdoor activities are a great way to disconnect from the rest of the world and stay connected to each other and the nature around you. Even a trip to a mountain resort where you have to walk uphill thrice a day to reach your cosy wood cabin is an excellent way to pack in some exercise into the weekends!

Stay Busy and Dress Beautifully

Dress smartly

Image Source: http://runninginplatforms.com.au/

Don’t fall into the trap of dressing like a slob once you are married. Sweatpants may be comfy and your new spouse may find your super-casual ensembles very cute to begin with, but they can be a recipe for disaster. Sweatpants are so forgiving, you don’t realise when you have started to pack on some pounds! Instead, dress in smart and beautiful clothes and stay busy. Don’t spend hours in front of the TV, instead go for a swim, or walk around the local furniture market to find great pieces for your new living room decor.

Create a Disciplined Routine

Give time to each other

Image Source: http://assets.nydailynews.com

A disciplined routine is the key to a healthy lifestyle. Make sure that you make time to exercise, cook healthy and still spend some time together to cosy up and watch TV. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the couch and some mindless TV, as long as you have worked out earlier. Also, try to follow a healthy sleep time and waking up time to ensure your health doesn’t suffer.

To put it simply, no matter at what stage, it’s always best for you if you take care of your diet and fitness. Your fitness level will ensure that you take care of yourself and your family members, in the best way possible.

Lead Image Source: http://cdn2.stylecraze.com/

Article Source: Askme

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5 Simple Ways to Get Healthy Nails

Show off your hands

Many of us don’t pay attention to the state of our nails. But like hair, healthy nails are a sign of good health. So, never ignore problems like weak and rough nails. The good news is that you can get healthy nails with a few simple hacks. Learn more about them here. 

1. Nail hygiene

Maintaining good nail hygiene is a must. You should clean and trim your nails often. This prevents bacteria from accumulating in your cuticles, which also has an overall health benefit. You also need to get rid of the habit of biting your nails.
Tip: Wash your hands regularly with a mild soap.

2. Diet

Eating healthy is the best way to ensure healthy nails. Gorge on nutrition-rich foods like broccoli, spinach, eggs and chicken.
Tip: You can also take supplements of biotin.

3. Protective layer

Yes, nail polish counts as a protective layer. It prevents breakage and also protects your nails from pollution and UV rays.
Tip: You should wear gloves when doing household work like cleaning dishes.

4. Avoid harsh chemicals

Harsh chemicals damage your nails. You should avoid chemicals like quick-drying nail polish and nail polish removers. Quick-drying nail polish has huge amounts of formaldehyde and toluene which can dry and break your nails. The acetone in nail polish removers also damages your nails.  
Tip: To dry your nail polish quickly, give them an ice bath.

5. Regular moisturising

Like any other part of your body, your nails get dry as well. To prevent cracking and peeling of nails, moisturise your nails with oil or cream regularly.
Tip: You can also apply petroleum jelly.

Article Source: askme


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