A bikini body is a dream for most women, especially when you are planning a getaway to an exotic beach for the summer. While there is no shortcut to a well-sculpted body, you can jumpstart your bikini body plan with these highly effective exercises. These exercises can help you get a beach body within a few weeks if you are committed to doing them regularly.
1. Front Raise
This exercise focuses on your glutes, thighs, abs, shoulders and calves. Grab some light weights and lift your arms overhead. While doing this, raise your right leg from the hip to a position when it is parallel to the floor. After two counts, drop this leg to a lunge position.
2. Front Lunge
For the front lunge, do a regular lunge but while holding some weights at your sides. Hold this position for two counts and then lift yourself to a standing position.
3. Leg Pull/Push-Up
For this exercise, begin in the push-up position. Bend your left leg and bring your knee up to your chest, and then repeat with the right leg. Follow this up with some push-ups.
4. Kneeling One-Arm Side Kick
Get in a table-top position with your palms below your shoulders and left leg extended at hip height. You can hold a light dumbbell in your right hand and lift this arm sideways at shoulder level. Holding this stance, try to kick out to your side with your left leg without losing your balance.
5. Plank/Back Support
For this, you need to sit with your legs stretched out in front of you and palms pressed to the ground behind your back. Arch your upper back slightly using the abdominal muscles.
6. Bent-Knee Roll-Down
For this, you have to sit with bent knees and arms held parallel to the floor in front of you. Lean back and bend both knees at a 90 degree angle. Then, lift your legs till your shin bones are parallel to the floor.
Article Source: askme
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